Tuesday 24th April 2012 #2


It’s later on now, and while I’ve been painting the ceiling (two sections have two coats, yay!) Troy has been sorting through the box of receipts and instruction books and warranties that I found on top of the cupboards. It was full of stuff from when we were first setting up house together! Like a delivery receipt for the dryer we just replaced (so it lasted eleven years which is quite impressive) and our old washing machine and fridge and even our wedding rings. Troy’s cost $125 more than mine did, ha ha.

Although the most hilarious thing he found was the receipt for the CF memory card I bought for my first digital camera in 2005. It held a grand total of one gigabyte and it cost $149.99, ha ha ha ha! Troy then went on the Dick Smith’s website and told me for $20 more than that today I could buy eight gigabytes of memory wrapped in an iPod touch!!!!!! I sound like such a grandmother (back in my day!) but seriously, one gigabyte for one hundred and fifty freaking dollars?!?!?!

Tuesday, 24th April 2012

The painting is going well. I got a bit done today even with Soren home- it was cold and rainy and he was happy to watch a movie while I stood up on the kitchen table and painted the ceiling. The whole kitchen ceiling has the first coat done, and I’ll do some more once all the kids are in bed later so it really will be done sooner than I thought.

Apart from painting, I didn’t do anything very interesting today. Snuggled with Soren, got wet running in and out to the car for school and grocery trips, did a lot of laundry. Really exciting stuff like that!

I love the way Nicholai makes school assignments into something he wants to do. Their class had to write either a poem or a song about the big bang theory. Nicholai? He bought me out his paper and told me, “I’ve written a series of seven haikus.” He’s in grade four. He makes me laugh so much.