Tuesday, 10th April 2012

It was Troy’s first day back at work today after our holiday and Easter break, so my first day at home with the kids on holidays from school. It didn’t exactly go smoothly! Nothing went heinously wrong or anything, but the children were certainly cranky and I felt vague and dreamy and spacey all day.

What baffles me is the way the children will all tease someone, and then seem so honestly shocked and appalled when the teased person does something back to them! Really, if you’re going to call someone names why would you be surprised if they turn around and blow a raspberry in your face?

I do like their imaginations at the moment though. When they had to clean up the loungeroom so I could vacuum they pretended they were Greg and Rodrick Heffley from the Diary of a Wimpy kid books cleaning up after the party and got it all done in about two and a half minutes. It was great.

I spent a while mooning about this afternoon thinking about my future career prospects. I have to decide what I want to do with my teacher registration, but it’s difficult until I have a clear answer about the language teaching job. If that comes through then I guess it will make my mind up, but if it doesn’t work out (which is frankly seeming the most probable outcome, sadly) then I have to look more closely into the requirements, or else just give up and let it lapse and think about things again when Soren is in school and I won’t have childcare to worry about.