Wednesday, 11th April 2012

The handyman came over today and inspected the brick not-floor in the library. I think he thought it was kind of hilarious that someone would actually do that. He said he can build a wood floor over the bricks with some ventilation to the outside added, and that should solve all the damp problems.

It’s going to cost a lot of money (my dreams of camper trailers and holidays have been crushed, sob) but we have to do it. We need somewhere to put the books! I suppose it does add value to the house, and if it’s dry and leak proof out there then it’s another living space we can utilise. We’ll put a desk out there for Nicholai I think, so he can have a space to get away from everyone for now. When the kids are bigger we might put a tv and the games consoles out there for them to have a hang out space, but that won’t be for a while.

The kids were impossible today. School holidays really suck. Nicholai had a psychologist appointment this morning so I had to occupy the other three kids in the tiny waiting room for an hour. The tablet is really a brilliant invention for times like though. We went to the library on the way home to get some new books, since I was so sick of reading ‘Bedtime without Arthur’ to Soren every day! That’s why I love borrowing library books for the kids, when they get fixated on something I only have to live with it for a limited time. No plans for tomorrow, although I might try and think of something as I’m not sure I can handle another day of the children tattling and shrieking and whining.

Jericho insisted I take this picture outside the library today. I think he was just impressed with himself for being able to climb up on the stone wall.