Thursday 30th October 2014

Today was a very long day with craft- Catherine came early and left early, and Miffi came and left at the regular time. I did my Indo planning during this, but it was harder to do that while socialising than it otherwise is! I know I often make up my Indo worksheets during craft time, but usually I spend the morning planning what I’m going to do and I didn’t do that today. However. All got done in the end and I’ve made another couple of worksheets that I’ll be able to use in future years, so that’s good.

Apart from Indo planning and talking, I did a lot of washing and folding and sorting laundry. We’re going to Licola again this weekend so I wanted to make sure everyone had all their socks and undies in their drawers to be able to pack them!

Although I didn’t have to do/ supervise the packing for once. I had a psychologist appointment this evening so I left immediately after dinner and when I came home the children were all in bed and Troy had supervised them packing so that there were five bags all packed and piled in the kitchen. He also brought in the sleeping bags and pillows from the shed. Tomorrow we have to get the camping chairs, dog crate, toiletries, Emma’s birthday presents (and I’ll have to pack my bag) and then we can throw it all in the car.

I’m half looking forward to this weekend and half dreading it. The kids had a great time when we went last year and I’m sure they’ll love it again, so I’m looking forward to that part. I love watching them try different activities and new things and have fun. However, it IS a weekend with Troy’s whole family, so… I don’t know. Hopefully it will be okay. Adam won’t be there because he’s away at sea until next year, and Brett’s kids won’t be there because it’s their mum’s weekend, so it’ll be pretty different to last year anyway.