Project 365-2015: Day 200

Project 365-2015: Day 200 – Say Cheese!
My Scooby, showing me his brand new gap now that his front tooth has finally fallen out- he’s much happier about it than he looks in this photo! I’m happy for him, but also kind of floundering at the idea of it, because growing big teeth really changes a kid’s face shape. Losing the front teeth is kind of the last of the ‘little’ kid milestones and he’s my baby…when did they all get so big?

Sunday 19 July 2015

Ten more days to Jericho’s birthday, if he can last that long. He’s so excited, especially since Troy and I bought his presents.

Today was nice. I slept in, and then Troy and I went out to the library for a while. We’ve alphabetised A through K now, so we’re getting there. I love being surrounded by so many books, and it makes me just want to read and read.

We’ve still got a bit of work to do though. We’re thinking about dismantling the bed out there, since no one ever really uses it. Ideally I’d replace it with a sofabed, but that would be pretty hard to get through the door out there, plus cost money, so I think for the moment we will just bring in the chaise section of the old couch. All we’d need then would be a rug, and it will look lovely and library-like.

I also made lasagne for tea that was totally full of vegetables and tasted delicious. I made enough bolognaise sauce to freeze some for spag bog another night, so that was good too. Between cooking and doing the library I was actually quite useful today. At least in short spurts.

Nicholai had football today, another enormous loss…they’ve really had a bad season.

Emma went out with her grandparents and her cousin Charlotte. It was Charlotte’s birthday the other day and Steve and Jean always take the older girls out shopping for clothes. Emma and Alex go together because their birthdays are six weeks apart, and this year Gabby and Sophie went together too, because their birthdays are a year and a month apart. Poor Charlotte doesn’t have another girl cousin that’s her age, so she asked if Emma would go with her instead. Of course Em was happy to do so, particularly since it involved lunch at the Pancake Parlour.

And Soren was just happy today because he lost his top front tooth and has a nice gap, ha ha ha. He’s such a sweetheart. The other front tooth is a bit wobbly too, and I’m assuming he’ll go to work on it and it will fall out soon enough too.