Sunday 30 August 2015

I’m becoming such a bogan. UFC is putting on a bout in Melbourne and I want to go to it…it’s in November so Troy and I might think about it for his birthday. I’m so embarrassed to even say that we’re considering it! But Rowdy Ronda Rousey is headlining, that’s pretty awesome… Tickets aren’t on sale until the end of September, so we’ll have to wait and see if it’s affordable.

I had a shitty time at the party last night. The place was pretty amazing, but I just felt all wrong and out of sorts and it sucked. I’ve never been a real party person, but the older I get the worse it gets and last night was miserable. Fortunately I took my knitting with me and so that was something to kind of calm me down and keep me going- I got quite a bit done in the end.

Everyone else had a good time. The kids loved all the inflatable stuff- there were multiple inflatable slides, an inflatable cliff to jump off, a Velcro wall, an inflatable pirate ship, jousting and lots of other things. Jericho challenged me to a jousting match, so I did do that. There was some nice food, and the party actually was a surprise for Brett, so I guess that was really nice.

Today’s been good. I slept in, and then Troy and I went shopping with Emma, Jericho and Soren. Nicholai wanted to stay home, and since we still don’t have a car that can transport all of us that worked out to be pretty convenient really. We just went to Big W in search of tracksuit pants for Nicholai and pyjama pants for Jericho, but this was a difficult task since all the summer clothes are in. We found tracksuit pants on the clearance rack, so we bought two pairs of those and Jericho will just have to wear tracksuit pants instead of pyjama pants for now.

The kids also took pocket money. Jericho wanted to buy more Pokemon cards, Soren just wanted to buy something, and Emma just wanted to look. They’re so funny when they shop. Jericho found the Pokemon cards he wanted right away. Soren looked at every box of Lego there, even though he was a little budget constrained. He doesn’t mind that though, he looks at everything he thinks is cool and then happily chooses one of the smaller boxes that he can afford. Emma didn’t see anything she wanted, but that wasn’t too surprising. I wanted to buy more tv on dvd, but I always want to buy more tv series on dvd! I’m a little obsessed.

Saturday 29 August 2015

It’s been a quiet, wet Saturday here so far. Jericho had a hockey round robin tournament on, so Troy took him to that. They’d left before I woke up and got back around one. Jericho had a good time and said it was fun, his team won two out of the three games he played so that was a pretty good result really.

We’ve spent the afternoon with the children paying all their poker chips for electronics time, and then doing their own thing. Troy put on Top Gun and is watching that while I’m writing this. It’s one of his all-time favourite movies.

We’re going to Brett’s surprise 40th birthday this evening. It’s from 6 to 10 pm (which seems an odd time for people with small children) at Inflatable World. I feel too old and fat to enjoy inflatable things, but the children are pretty excited about it. I’m probably just cranky that I have to go out of an evening, AND that I have to bring a plate of food. Or maybe I’m just cranky for no reason at all.

Yesterday marked a momentous occasion in our family. Troy and I went down to IGA to buy something for tea, and we left all the children at home alone together. We figured with Nicholai being thirteen and Emma being nearly twelve they are old enough to be in charge of the other two for ten minutes while we went five minutes away. I wouldn’t do it for much longer than that, but damn it felt like a crazy kind of freedom! It’s just a tiny first step on the way to a mutual independence for me and the children, and some more couple time for Troy and I.

I’ve decided I don’t want to do my project 365 anymore. At least for the time being, anyway. It feels like a cop-out, but right now I’m not enjoying it, it’s becoming nothing but a chore, and it doesn’t make me happy to do it. While I’ve done a significant amount of days (239) that still leaves a lot left to do and I just can’t bring myself to care about doing it. So it’s at least on hiatus for now, and we’ll see in a week or two if I feel like getting back in to it.

Project 365-2015: Day 239

Project 365-2015: Day 239 – Adorable!
Shitty photo of a cute thing today, but I took it on my phone in the rain, so it was the best I could do under the circumstances. This little sweetie is named Staples, and he has spent the past two days in a little pen in our schoolyard, since he’s being bottlefed by Jericho’s teacher.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Emma has been getting more teenagerish lately, spending a lot more time with her headphones on doing secret girl business type activities in her room. (I suspect this is mostly reading, writing, drawing and occasionally dancing). She’s still rather lovely and helpful and pleasant out of her room, and I’m happy for her to hang out on her own if that’s what she wants to do.

The only problem with this state of affairs is Jericho. He and Emma have been best buddies for ages, and have always played together a lot, and I think he’s struggling to get used to being without her more. It’s kind of sad actually, when he’s practically begging her to play with him and she’s just saying no as kindly as she can. She’s not being mean, it’s just that she’s getting more in to doing her own thing. And Jericho has never been the best at entertaining himself, so without Emma to do things with and have ideas he’s a bit lost. I think in time he’ll gravitate towards Soren instead, but it’s just in the mean time I’ve got one pretty anxious and upset boy.

I taught today, which was fine except for the rain that made running from classroom to classroom kind of suck. One of the classes I prepared didn’t really work properly because I downloaded a youtube clip and saved it on my usb, but the computer in that classroom wouldn’t read it properly. In the end I had to get up youtube and just watch it directly. Which sounds like it should be simpler, but it’s never fun having to try and find the right thing while the kids all shout at me about watching other things.

My knitting is more enjoyable now that I’m doing a sleeve. The cable pattern is fiddly but I don’t mind doing that, and it’s nice not to have lots of heavy knitting hanging off the needles like there was by the end of the back. I still wouldn’t say that it’s my favourite knitting that I’ve ever done, but it’s not too bad and the end result will be worthwhile.

Tuesday 25th August 2015

I had a quiet day at home today. I did a bit of knitting and cast on for one of the sleeves of my cardigan. I finished doing the back at last, yay! I decided to do a sleeve next because it has a cable pattern in the centre of it and might be more interesting than the endless straight rows of the back.

We got the boys’ Naplan results back yesterday. They were both excellent. Nicholai’s were mostly off the graph, and Jericho had a couple off the graph too, and the rest were pretty much all in the top 20%.

I’m so proud of Jericho, and I really hope he is proud of himself too and can use this to give him a little boost in confidence. He’s so much better at things than he gives himself credit for.

Troy spoke to the garage today, and they know what’s wrong with our car. It’s about an $800 fix, although if the mechanic can get a second hand part that might be less. So we gave him the go-ahead to get on with doing that, and we’ll talk to him in a day or two about when it will be ready to get picked up. Probably Troy and I will drive there together and then drive back in separate cars.


Monday 24 August 2015

We had one of those dreaded experiences yesterday- the car broke down on the side of the highway, with the whole family (including the dog) in it. We had been up to visit Benita and Cam and family and were about an hour from their place and about an half and a half from home when the car lost power going up a hill. Troy pulled over and despite waiting five minutes and crossing our fingers, the car wouldn’t start again. So we called the RACV and then pretty much just waited.

It took nearly an hour for the RACV guy to get there, and then my hopes were raised when he got the car started again. It sounded like it was revving okay, but it had no acceleration at all so for all intents and purposes it was dead. Not the greatest situation to be in on a Sunday evening! It was going to be wildly inconvenient for anyone to help us, but it was only someone with a seven-seater car who would be able to transport us anyway. And our usual go-to people for these kind of emergencies, Troy’s parents, are currently in Western Australia somewhere. So Troy called his brother Brett, who fortunately was not busy and was able to get in the Prado and head out to get us.

The RACV guy organised a tow for the van, which I was just really hoping wouldn’t come until after we’d been picked up. Waiting on the side of the road in the car was one thing, waiting on the side of the road in the dark and cold and dew would have been quite another. Luckily Brett showed up at 7.08 (I remember the exact time because we were running a betting pool on what time he would come- Emma won) so we just had to leave the car on the side of the road and go on our way home. We got home about quarter past nine, about twelve hours after we left…it was a pretty long day.

I have to say though, the kids were SO GOOD. I mean, that was three hours stuck on the side of the road and they could have made it a complete nightmare, but they really didn’t. Nicholai had his e-reader for a little while (the battery ran flat) and apart from that all they had between them was two Diary of a Wimpy Kid books that Emma and Jericho had both read on the way up to Ballarat and Soren’s Minecraft book. That’s all. And yet there was an astonishing lack of whining and complaining. Trust me, my children have never been described as stoic, but that’s basically what they were.

Jericho and Soren got out of the car for a little while when a small herd of ponies came over to us (they were so adorable) but playing on the side of a freeway isn’t such a great idea so they were mostly all stuck in the car. The kids kind of crawled around and talked to each other and tested out each others’ seats for which one was comfiest to lie on. Then Jericho adjusted a game he’d read in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book about asking questions so that the kids asked Troy and I questions of the ‘have you ever done X?’ kind of variety and if we had we scored a point. I’m still not clear on the scoring system but somehow I won and the kids thought the game was brilliant. We’d brought the leftover bread rolls home from Benita’s place and I let the kids eat those. I warned them that we had no water and so they were not to ask or moan about being thirsty, and they actually didn’t. Admittedly Soren asked if he could drink the dog water, but when I said no he just accepted that as an answer. Really, I was so SO pleased with the kids, the behaved admirably in what was a pretty sucky situation.

I behaved nicely too. Only one moment when I nearly burst into tears, but I got a lot of knitting done and kept the children’s spirits up as best I could, so that was okay.

We still don’t know what’s wrong with the car though. Troy rang the garage it was towed to today, but they hadn’t had a chance to have a look at it yet. They thought maybe this afternoon, so Troy will call them tomorrow and hopefully they’ll be able to tell us what the problem is and how long it’s going to take to fix it.

It was such a pity that the day ended so badly, because it was a really nice visit to Benita and Cam’s place! It was lovely to meet new baby Dempsey and hang out for a while. Lee and Muts were there as well with their kids, so all the cousins played together. That’s always so cute to see- Soren and Kareem are nearly the same age so they were playing together and Emma is just a wonderful big cousin to all the little girl cousins.

It feels weird sometimes though, because my kids are older and our family is in a different kind of place. The others are in the middle of babies and pre-schoolers and preps, and we’re done with that and dealing with high school and big kids. Soren’s only in grade one, but he’s our youngest, not our oldest. Sometimes I’m kind of jealous that the others are all doing it together and I feel like the odd one out. It would be really nice to talk to others doing the same thing at the same time.

At the same time, I am really glad my family is in the place we are now. It’s really amazing to watch my kids get so big and so much more fully their own people. I appreciate their growing independence- two years from now Emma is going to be nearly fourteen and will be quite capable of being in charge of an eight year old Soren and eleven year old Jericho for an hour or two while Troy and I do the shopping together or go to a movie or out for lunch. And with the rate time is flying by, two years is going to be here in no time at all.

Soren held him and told me, “He’s so cute and tiny!”

Sullivan and Nicholai playing hairdressers.

Sullivan, Emma, Winnie, Jericho, Soren and Nicholai.

Big cousin and little cousin.

Boys going exploring.

This photo cracks me up. He’s actually standing in a hole, but it just looks hilarious to have his head on the ground like that!

Stuck on the side of the road.

One of the cute little ponies that came over to say hi.