Saturday 4th June 2016

Pretty ordinary kind of Saturday today. Troy took Jericho to hockey, which was so far away that they had to leave at 8.30am. So well before I woke up, obviously! They had a 3-2 loss in their game, but Troy said it was a good game and all the kids played well.

Emma had hockey last night, which was in the same place that Jericho’s game was today, so she and Troy left at 5.30 and didn’t get home until after 9.30pm. It was a nil-all draw too, so that was a bit disappointing after all that effort! It tired Emma out though, and she stayed in her pyjamas and in her room nearly all day today. She came out to eat lunch, pay poker chips, and then eat dinner, but apart from that we didn’t hear a squeak from her. She wasn’t upset at all, she was just doing her own thing…she kind of makes me laugh sometimes.

Jericho and Soren kept me company through the afternoon though, since it was wet and cold outside and the trampoline is still broken. They are either the best of friends or screaming at each other in a way that makes me glad we have no weapons handy.

Jericho and I made his dress-up Ash cap for the dress up day today. We had a red cap already (it had ‘United Emirates’ embroidered on it, so I’ve no idea where it actually came from!) and I used white felt and a hot glue gun to cover the front of the cap to make it two toned. Ash’s cap has a little black symbol on the white front, so Jericho drew that and then I traced it onto black felt and hot glue gunned that in place. Up close it’s pretty homemade looking, but from a distance it looks great and exactly like what it’s supposed to look like. Jericho is really happy with it, which is what really matters. He actually wore it around for a large part of the afternoon, so I hope my hot glue holds up.

Nicholai just did Nicholai things in the morning, and then he went grocery shopping with Troy in the afternoon. It surprises me that he volunteers to do that, but I also think it’s nice that he wants to spend time with Troy. He’s joined Facebook (probably you all got friend requests?), although when he asked if he could and Troy and I replied that he was welcome to, as long as his account was private and he friended me (since I have a Facebook account and Troy doesn’t) he looked quite disgusted at the rules!

Jericho and I took photos of his guinea pigs today. We put them in a jug so they couldn’t run away and it was hilarious.

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