I love kids’ imaginations. Soren is becoming more and more interested in playing pretend, and it’s so sweet and funny. He’s always throwing himself down at my feet, telling me, “Puppy! Puppy! Woof woof!” and I have to tell him he’s a nice puppy and pat his head and tickle his tummy. This morning he came into the kitchen dragging the boomerang pillow between his legs, with Woody doll’s rubber cowboy hat hooked on his ponytail and said to me with a huge grin, “I cowboy. Yee haw!” So funny.

I suspect he’s also going to have Jericho’s sense of fashion. Between his love for his beads (which he has been wearing nearly every day for over a year!) and his pony tail, and his Scooby Doo crocs and today’s insistence that he be allowed to wear the rainbow crocheted earflap hat out to tea, he’s certainly rocking some alternative fashion looks. Goes well with Jericho’s fondness for Harry Potter glasses and legwarmers!

My children are very trying at the moment. I think that, as a family, we seem to be in a kind of awkward stage. I just have to remember that it is just a phase, and I’m sure it will pass and we’ll all find our feet and things will improve. I hope so.

Anyway, today was a pretty lazy day, all things considered. I slept in (I love you Troy!) for a bit, and spent a while watching True Blood dvds on my computer and knitting. Watching tv and movies and knitting is just about my favourite way to spend time at the moment, and Jericho’s vest is coming along beautifully.

Everyone else just kind of pottered around the house, to use a Mum phrase from the past! The kids played on the Wii and the computer, and watched some movies. We watched Where the Wild Things Are, but were sadly disappointed as it was pretty much crap. After Soren woke up from his mammoth nap we took a drive over to the video shop to return the dvds and get out some more (second season of True Blood for me, yay!) and then pick up some tea. We came home and put some very tired children to bed, but unfortunately they’re not actually going to sleep. Still, if I ignore their shenanigans long enough I guess they’ll eventually settle down. Maybe.

We’ve got no real plans for tomorrow. It’s a long weekend so no school or work or kinder. Just a lot more lovely family together, ha ha ha!