Sunday August 21, 2016

I finished my Game of Thrones socks! They fit really well, and the yarn is so soft and warm, I am totally in love with them. The cabling is beautiful, and I even made the cables run directly into the ribbing at the top, which gives them a much better look. It felt like they took forever to make though. Doing two at a time makes progress feel much slower I think, although having them be the exact same length and having them both finish at the same time is so delightful that I think I’ll continue to do them this way whenever possible. Also, the cable was pretty fiddly – worth it in the end, but it definitely takes extra time. Anyway, I am pretty proud of them, considering I made them up and didn’t use an actual sock pattern, just combined different bits and made it all work. Yay! I’ve got crochet Jericho’s beard next, and then I think I’ll finish my baby blanket for donation before I start knitting anything else.

It was such a lazy day for everyone today, it was lovely. We had no obligations and the weather was all over the place so, apart from a run to IGA for food, we just stayed home. I finished my socks and worked on my story, and Jericho and Soren made puppets out of a Pringles can and a Pepsi Max box (clearly their Friday puppetry sessions have inspired them). The kids all used up the last of their poker chips playing on the Wii and the computer, and they watched a lot of Olympic coverage. Troy and I even went through the giant pile of mail and school newsletters that always appears on the end of the bench. We weren’t even overdue on any notices and permission slips that have to be returned to school, so that was rather encouraging.

Ha ha, Jericho just came out of bed to tell me that his eyebrows hurt. Do you think that he’s maybe trying to stall on going to bed???

Troy has gone round to Brett’s house to play x-box or something tonight. I kind of wanted him to stay home, since he is out two nights a week with his hockey and Emma’s hockey anyway, but it’s probably good for him to spend time with his brother so I told him to go. He won’t be home late, and there’s usually some gossip about Brett and co. that gives us an excuse to bitch about him for a while, and that’s quite fun in its own weird way. It also probably makes me a horrible person, but I don’t really care.