Wednesday 5 October 2022

Soren headed off to school camp today. He’s going to Anglesea until Friday; hopefully he has fun and it’s not too rainy. Emma is also gone, she’s spending the next three days with Steve and Jean going to Benambra. So it’s a very quiet house tonight.

Today I was actually alone at home all day, which hardly ever happens. I sometimes think back to before Covid when this was just like a regular occurrence and I can’t believe I was ever so lucky. I don’t even know, I just feel like I need that solitude to breathe sometimes.

It makes a difference not having to pick Emma up from work too. The actual driving and collecting her is like a ten minute job, it’s not that it takes up so much time that is the issue. It’s just that it means I have to be constantly aware of the time, and yet still be waiting for her text because she doesn’t have an exact finishing time. Depending on what time she starts I know roughly what time she should finish, but she could be half an hour early to two hours later than that, so it can be frustrating feeling like I have to be always ready at any moment. It’s not until there’s a day like today when I don’t have to do it that I think about how relaxing it is to have the day free.

Although I did have to leave the house today when I didn’t really want to because it was raining and Jericho had work after school, so I picked him up and drove him. At least he was grateful? I also picked him up from work and we went to Maccas – since it was just the two of us home for dinner it hardly seemed worth cooking anything.

I’m feeling a lot better, but I think I’m still not well. I’m still so tired, I actually went back to bed today after I dropped Soren at school for camp and Jericho had left for school and I slept half the morning. The glands in my neck are still swollen and painful, but the sore throat itself and the cough is gone, so hopefully I will pick up a bit more soon. Although I have to go back to work tomorrow, that’s not a cheerful thought.

I’ve made a photobook of our Tasmania holiday. I had some good photos, it was quite hard to cut them down really. Although I was talking to Troy about it and I sometimes wonder how much longer I’ll take my big camera around to all these things, given how good phone photos are now. I really love taking photos with the camera, but I would think given another upgrade or perhaps two to my phone it will easily take photos that are better than anything I can take so it would be dumb to persist. I guess I’ll wait and see, but it was just something that occurred to me while we were on holiday.

I also laid out all the squares I crocheted on our Tasmania holiday. I took crochet for the car and boat times and made squares, which are really the ideal holiday project – they’re small, the pattern is easily memorised, I can pick it up and put it down without having to get to the end of the row like knitting. I went with a pretty simple black and yellow pattern, and looking at it all together I think it’s going to look pretty good. I got twenty squares made on the holiday and once I measured them I think I want about 56, so I had to buy more yarn. Unfortunately I was only able to find it with an international ebay seller, so I’ll have to wait a few weeks for postage. At least I can go back and finish the waves and chevrons blanket I was working on beforehand (although the yarn feels a bit more horrible after working with the nice yarn from the holiday squares blanket!).

Friday 30 September 2022

Friday, 30 September 2022.

I’m writing this on the boat – we’re still a couple of hours from docking, but we’re in the bay now so it feels like we’re close. Troy, Jericho and Soren are at the movies – they’re showing Top Gun Maverick, and Troy’s been looking forward to watching it on the trip home since we took the trip out. Since he and I have already seen this movie I was more than willing to stay up on deck babysitting our bags and letting them enjoy it.

This is a really long boat ride. We were checking in a little after 6am, and then waiting in a queue in the parking lot for probably an hour before they put us on the boat. We’re parked quite close to the front though, so I’m hoping that means we’ll get unloaded pretty fast at the other end. (This may not happen though, as obviously there are several levels of cars on this boat and I don’t know if we’ll be on the first level unloaded or the last).

Once we’d parked the car we came right upstairs to the top deck lounge, which we’d assessed on the trip out as having the most comfortable looking space for us to all hang out in for eleven hours on the way back. It turned out to be a good choice, the chairs are pretty comfortable and we’re in a group of four with a table and our own fake plant and decorative lamp – it’s all plastic rattan and makes me feel like we’re Brits heading out to India for the foreign service in the Victorian era.

I haven’t minded the trip back at all to be honest. I’m so tired, just sitting for a day seems delightful! I’ve hardly moved from our spot. Troy and the boys have taken several walks around the boat and spent time outside, but I had a brief nap and have mostly just been reading, crocheting and eating all day. Troy seems the most restless, but I think he’s actually finding the boat quite good and doesn’t mind just walking around finding things and whatever. Soren is very quiet, but seems okay. Jericho hates the boat, but today Jericho hates everything – he has been unable/unwilling to sleep in the same room as Soren for the entire week and so has slept on the couch everywhere we stayed and has therefore not had a single restful night of sleep. He’s over the whole experience – the sooner we get home the better as far as he’s concerned.

I’ll be glad to get home too though. I’m really, really tired. It has been a good holiday but not a restful one, I think, and it will be nice to be back to the familiar. I don’t want to sound negative about it at all, we’ve seen some beautiful and amazing things and there’s been so much good about it, but it’s stressful in its way too. We’re meant to dock just after six I think they said, so I’m hoping we’re home by nine. It will be lovely to be home, and see Emma and Claire and Luna the dog – I do wonder how she coped without us?!?

Here’s the sunrise from our apartment this morning.

Saturday 29 January 2022

That’s the last week of the school holidays done. We had some horribly hot and humid weather, so it wasn’t overly pleasant, but it was much cooler today, which was good.

I feel like I didn’t do anything. I never do anything. I mean, I DO things, but it’s always the same basically. I do the housework and go on the exercise bike and read and try to write and drive children do and from work and do the shopping. I had to go to buy Soren shirts because I completely forgot that I threw his tatty old ones out at the end of last year. The website was covered in red warnings about supply issues and delivery delays but fortunately they had three of his size in stock so there was no drama.

I’ve been using the new stand mixer a bit. I’m still not used to how enormous it is, but the giant bowl came in handy on Friday when we used it for making the pizza dough. It was much quicker than using the breadmaker (which takes an hour and a half for the cycle, and we have to do two lots) and it worked out well so we’ll probably do it that way again.

Although one good thing was that the flowering gum in our backyard is breaking out in bloom and the lorikeets come in and eat them so I was able to run out and take some photos the other morning before they flew away.

Sunday 8 November 2020

I feel like we’ve had a surprisingly productive weekend, after months of doing basically nothing. It’s kind of tiring actually.

We’ve had some warmer weather during the past week, which led to the discovery of how much summer clothing the children have either outgrown or outworn. So yesterday we made them all try things on and hand down everything still good, and then make a list of what they still needed before we went shopping. For once it was a pretty easy shopping trip, despite the number of things we needed to get we actually found everything we needed in the sizes we wanted and got it over and done with without drama.

Troy and I went for another walk Saturday afternoon and I took some photos. I’m frustrated by my own lack of skill I think, but some of the pictures were okay. Flowers growing through fences seemed to be a bit of a thing. It was a slightly less fancy area of town (still pretty fancy though) but I still love looking at all the houses and finding all the things I like.

I organised all my plants out on the deck today. They were pretty neglected over winter so I cut off all the overgrown and dead bits and re-potted things that had grown and got rid of all the spiderwebs and scrubbed clean all the pots and the actual plant stand. I planted a couple of things out in the yard (although I don’t know if they’ll survive, especially with the chickens roaming free and digging up all the garden beds) and threw a few things out so that I don’t have so many. I only need one plant stand now, with a collection of pots just sitting on the deck at the base of it. It was pretty warm out on the deck, and there were more spiky cactus plants than I thought, but it all looks lovely now. Between the sawdust from the guinea pig and now all the chicken shit all over it the deck is always a bit of a mess, but at least that part of it looks nice now!