Monday 23 April 2018

We sent Jericho off to camp this morning – fingers crossed he has a good time! I think he will, ten hour bus ride notwithstanding.

Although I have to admit I could have done without him waking me up at 5.30 to freak out that if he had to stay in his room until 6am (which we’d told him in order to prevent him waking everyone up!) he wouldn’t have enough time to get ready. All he had to do to get ready was eat breakfast and put clothes on which he could honestly do in about five minutes, so the whole drama was utterly pointless.

Anyway, I said goodbye to him at home and Troy dropped him off at school on his way to the office. I believe we’re supposed to pick him up at 5pm on Friday, so it’s going to feel like a long time without him.

With such an early start I had a headache and really wasn’t feeling it for most of the day. Cleaning, laundry, the usual boring stuff. I wasn’t paying attention when I was making tea and instead of 80ml of water in the couscous I poured in 800ml – needless to say it didn’t absorb it and tea was slightly delayed while we figured all this out and made some more!

The weather was lovely though, and Soren and I went to the gardens for some Pokemon and photography in the afternoon. And both of us had a try at both things – it was nerve wracking giving my camera over into Soren’s hands, but he was very careful and told me it was extremely fun, in a tone of extreme surprise, ha ha ha!

